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September 2021 Newsletter

Time for another update on the Women of Waianae. Despite the trials and tribulations of the COVID virus, we continue to keep busy and want to let you know what’s happening.

YARD SALE: We held our yard sale over Labor Day weekend and had a very successful event. The sale was well attended as people love our sales. We have good quality items at good prices, and the sale was near the beginning of the month so people had money to spend. We tried to keep the sale safe by requiring face masks, provided hand sanitizers and masks if needed, social distancing, less than 25 people, and it was held outside. All the attendees were very respectful of the rules and by the end of the sale we had made close to $3,000. It would have been over $3,000 if one lady hadn't scammed us for $150 with a bad check. Karen checked with the Department of

Planning and Permitting to see if we could have another yard sale for the holidays, but the limit is 3 yard sales per year even for non-profits. We will look into other options, i.e., hold the sale elsewhere.

Mahalo to everyone who supported and helped us with this sale. See the happy customers to the right with masks and gloves!

FLO WARD: Our oldest member is 100 years old and three of us went to visit her on Monday, 9/13. She is doing very well and enjoyed seeing us. Karen Young made a beautiful Lei for her and Sylvia Day brought her a nice succulent In a very pretty container. I brought her some brownies for her sweet tooth.

STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE: The Committee met and is currently working on a grant from the Women’s Fund. They had discussions about future projects,but will address them more after the grant work is finished. We have tabled the Mahalo Event for donors for now. We have also had some discussion regarding future fundraiser ideas such as a local talent show, bingo, etc. One thought on the bingo games is to have funny prizes such as toilet paper, hand sanitizers, Chlorox, disinfectants, etc. Things we all could use. Any ideas would be most welcome about prizes or other fundraising ideas!

FINANCIAL: After we deposited the money from the yard sale, Sue indicated we have around $40,000 in the bank account. We are ahead of last year as far as available money for scholarships.

VACCINE CARDS: A few of us went out for lunch on Monday, 9/13, at the Beach House. We found out that one must have their vaccine card to get into restaurants and bars now. We had to go fetch our cards, but all went well after that. Just remember if you plan to go out to eat in a restaurant, take your vaccine card, a copy of it, or take a photo and keep it in your phone. You will also need a photo id such as your driver’s license.

BOARD MEETING: Since Sue will be returning from Idaho the end of September, we are planning a Board meeting the first part of October. One of the issues we will be discussing will be funding for vocational awards. We would like to fund a couple awards for vocational education. We need to change the age limit from 25 years old as many of the vocational candidates would be younger than that.

Bette VanManen



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Women of Wai`anae
86-024 Glenmonger St
Waianae, HI 96792-3046

Tel:  388-8828



Women of Wai'anae is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

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