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October 2021 Newsletter

Board Meeting: We held our Board Meeting on Thursday, October 21 in Karen’s Yard with Karen, Mary Ellen, Sue and Bette attending. Discussed at the meeting were the following topics:

Holiday Gathering for WOW members: There is a possibility of having a holiday gathering for all WOW members in December. Karen suggested a small luau in her yard with small pupus and drinks. Anyone who can provide entertainment or a group activity, please contact Karen.

A’ali’i Sustaining Donors Event. This is both a mahalo and recognition of our major donors, and to express our need for them to continue to sustain WOW during the year. There will be heavy pupus, drinks, watching the sunset on the beach, and entertainment. Scheduled for December 4th at Sue’s home.

The WOW Board of Directors

Newsletters: Content of these was discussed now that they are being put on our web site. Some information will be excluded for privacy reasons but is available to any member upon request.

Makaha Learning Center: Sue and Dan will be visiting this school on Wednesday to see if we can assist students getting vocational training and how. We would like to include vocational scholarships if possible.

Longitudinal Study of our Awardees: Sue and Sonya Roundtree will be researching how former scholarship awardees are doing and if they succeeded in what they had planned to accomplish.

Donations: We have had some donations from individuals this past month, but names and amounts will be available only if you ask for them. Carol Smith, as the outgoing President of the Kiwanis Club of Pearl Harbor, was able to donate money from their club to the charity of her choice. We were her choice so thank you for that, Carol! Danny Wyatt from LCC donated some name brand hand bags. They are on consignment at the Treasure Thrift Store. Go check them out! Dotty Turbeville also donated some expensive perfumes. Those have been sold mostly to members by word of mouth.

Beach Cleanup: Mae Chung advised of the Pokai Bay Heiau and surrounding park clean up on Saturday 10/16. Thanks to all that showed up to help and thanks to Mae for letting us know.

That’s it for this month. Malama Pono!! Bette VanManen



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Women of Wai`anae
86-024 Glenmonger St
Waianae, HI 96792-3046

Tel:  388-8828



Women of Wai'anae is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

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