August 2021 Newsletter
ALOHA! Since the onset of COVID, it has been a problem keeping in touch with all of our members. The monthly meetings have not been held regularly due to the COVID restrictions and COVID concerns so we have decided to send out a periodic newsletter to help keep everyone informed as to what WOW is doing.
UPCOMING EVENTS. The next WOW yard sale will be held on Labor Day Weekend (Sept 3-6). We will be setting up the tables and tents on Wed, Sept 1st and putting all the merchandise out, pricing it, and have the WOW membership pre-sales on Thurs, Sept 2. The sale will be open to the public from Friday, 9/3 – Monday, 9/6. On the 6th, starting at about 430 pm, we will start tearing down and putting things away. As always, we welcome help from anyone who can spare the time. It is a lot of work to put these sales on, but we do get a lot of money from them so they are a necessary evil!
WOW GENERAL MEETING. The last meeting was held on Friday, August 21st at Mary Ellen’s home. There were 10 members in attendance. We looked at other fund raising possibilities so we can have fewer yard sales. The yard sales are very work intensive, but do provide a lot of income. We would like to have only a couple a year and do more pre-sales or on line sales. We talked about having Elvis at one of our yard sales so people could get a photo with him.

(from left to right) Sonya, Sylvia, Karen, Mary Ellen and Nanette at General Meeting 8/21
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE. This committee is exploring other ways to raise money and to assure the continuity of WOW. Some suggestions: a local talent show, more pre-sales and on-line selling, expand the circle of donors, sell WOW calendars, t-shirts, and aprons, have an event to honor and celebrate the big donors, provide a way for donating to WOW by putting the Women of Waianae in our Wills. We are open to any and all other ideas so feel free to contact us at any time!!! Also, encourage new people to join whenever you can. The more, the merrier!
FINANCIAL. When Sue sent out the last financial statement, she noted that we will have earned more in the first 8 months than we spent on scholarships so far this year. That gives us a profit and a good start for next year’s scholarships. We have been receiving more donations while COVID is ongoing than we normally do. We have no idea how much longer that will continue, but it has really helped so far.
Karen Young